Brest: Audioguide




Author:   34travel



Brest: Audioguide

In the new episode of the audioseries about Belarus, a project by 34 travel and MTS,
we’re diving into history of ancient Brest.





Last year Brest celebrated its 1000th anniversary – only a few cities and towns in Belarus can boast of such a respectable age. The entire history of the city is actually a series of destructive wars with short periods of calmness. The city got razed to the ground many times, but relentlessly rose from the ruins and was built anew. 

Biarescie, Brest-Litoŭsk, Brest... Here people know how to live and make things happen today, but never forget what took place on these lands in previous centuries. In Brest they thoughtfully and delicately treat memories, military history and surviving heritage, preserve old traditions and create new ones. Press the play button and let’s head for an audio tour along the streets of the city.


Credits: Anton Kashlikov (text), Olga Tyashkevich (voice), Bazhena Gurlenia (translation),
Plato Sound (sound design).

Cover photo: palasatka


Music: Joey Pecoraro – Jessica, Aaron Kenny – American Frontiers, Audionautix – High Tension, Audionautix – Temptation March, Sir Cubworth – Ceremonial Prelude, Aaron Kenny – Roundup on the Prairie, Ugonna Onyekwe – Destination Unknown, SYBS – Bittersweet, Twin Musicom – Hero's Theme, Nat Keefe & BeatMower – Creeping Spiders



This project is supported by MTS


ЧУП «Проспектпресс», УНП ‎101520868



Author:   34travel


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