Homiel: Audioguide




Author:   34travel



Homiel: Audioguide

In the new podcast about Belarusian cities – a project by 34 travel and MTS – we are going to the peaceful city on the river Sož.





In Homiel you can slow down and go with the flow, stroll along the old streets and magnificent parks, pop in to see a performance of a modern theater or hang out in a trendy bar in the evening.  We’ll flip through the centuries-old chronicle of its life – full of heroic pages and difficult trials, watch the measured flow of proud Sož and see a modern face of the city – young and bold.

Put your headphones on and foster the imagination – Homiel reveals its secrets only to an attentive listener.


Credits: Alexandra Murashko (text), Anton Kashlikov (editing), Sonia Ginzburg (translation), Olga Tyashkevich (voice), Plato Sound (sound design).

Cover photo: palasatka


Music: Text Me Records / Leviathe – I Miss You, Wayne Jones – Brain Trust, SYBS – At Odds, Gunnar Olsen – Howling, Sir Cubworth – Everything Is Fine, Diamond Ortiz – Upstairs With Cat, Quincas Moreira – Miles Beyond, Craig MacArthur – The Old RV, Jeremy Blake – Trinity



This project is supported by MTS


ЧУП «Проспектпресс», УНП ‎101520868



Author:   34travel


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