Parks of Minsk: Audioguide




Author:   34travel



Parks of Minsk: Audioguide

To make a proper acquaintance with Minsk you have to walk through its green areas and embankments. In the new episode of the audio series about Minsk by 34travel and MTS we will tell you about the famous Water-Green Diameter of the capital. It is a unique complex of parks, boulevards and water reservoirs stretching along the Svislač River for dozens of kilometers.





A grand ecological belt of 18 parks crosses the entire city cutting it into halves. There’s no such an extensive green corridor in any European city. Many Belarusian and foreign architects believe that the water-green diameter could become a real brand of Minsk.

Download the audioguide in English and make sure to take the time to stroll around Minsk along this unusual route. If you are lucky enough, you will meet a beaver!


Credits: Alina Krushinskaja (author), Boris Nikolaychik (editor), Alexandra Murashko (translation), Volha Tiashkevich (voice), Pavel Kirpikov (sound design).

Music: SoniVentorum Wind Quintet - Danzi: Wind Quintet Op 67 No 3 In E-Flat Major, 4 Allegretto, Kevin MacLeod - Gymnopedie No 3, Dataveyes - Through The Gate, Skidmore College Orchestra - Promenade Allegro giusto nelmodorussicosenzaallegrezza ma, Silent Partner - How it Began, VYEN - Stranger, Quincas Moreira - Blues Infusion, Asher Fulero - The Closing Of Summer, Geographer - Bright Idea, Asher Fulero - The Sea Captain & The Mermaid, Bad Snacks - Game Plan, VYEN - Forever, Asher Fulero - Magical Gravity, Asher Fulero - Timelapsed Tides

Cover photo: palasatka



ЧУП «Проспектпресс», УНП ‎101520868



Author:   34travel


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