The Main Street of Minsk: Audioguide




Author:   34travel



The Main Street of Minsk: Audioguide

Praspiekt Niezaležnasci is a 15 kilometers long city artery, the main showcase and highlight of the capital. Together with MTS we continue our podcast series about Minsk. Put a couple of sandwiches in a backpack and head for an amazing journey along the street, which runs through the whole city.





A living utopia, a perfect, wide and sunny street with palaces, parks, fountains and embankments – that's how architects and urbanists, fathers of Minsk Praspiekt Niezaležnasci, imagined it. Completely wiped off the face of the Earth and reborn, built almost with bare hands, this architectural phenomenon excites the imagination. It's not just a street, it's an idea... a dream... a fantasy.

Download our podcast in English and let's go find the utopia together! 


Credits: Boris Nikolaychik (text), Alexandra Murashko (translation), Volha Tiashkevich (voice), Pavel Kirpikau (sounddesign)

Music: Parvus Decree - Thoughts About Future, Dataveyes - Odd Romance, Kai Engel - Walking Barefoot On Grass, Kai Engel - Sunray PON IV, LG17 - If The Veins Are Closed The Hands Will Rot Away, Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet - Danzi Wind Quintet Op 67 No 3 In E-Flat Major 2 Andante Moderato and Menuetto Allegro, Sergey Cheremisinov - When You Leave, Kai Engel - Cold War Echo,  La Pianista - Gnossienne 5 (Satie), Marco Trovatello - Molchen Aus Glas, Chris Zabriskie - That Hopeful Future Is All I've Ever Known, Dataveyes - Through The Gate

Cover photo: palasatka



ЧУП «Проспектпресс», УНП ‎101520868



Author:   34travel


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