Niamiha: audioguide




Author:   34travel



Niamiha: audioguide

Niamiha is a mysterious river hidden in the pipes deep under the ground. One of the oldest streets in Minsk is named after it. The street has been ruined and restored but preserved the secrets of the city, as if the ghost of old Minsk still lives there. In the new episode of the audio series about Minsk by 34travel and MTS we’re going to trace the history of Niamiha from current days back to the ancient times. 





According to the most romantic version, the origins of the name “Niamiha” stems from Lithuanian word for insomnia. Sometimes this place feels like the DNA of the city, its magic code. Deciphering it promises to shed light on the historical perspectives of Minsk and get a glimpse of its future. 

Download the podcast in English. Together we’re going to ponder over the riddles of this beautiful ancient place and to get into the original Niamiha spirit.



Credits: Alina Krushinskaja (author), Boris Nikolaychik (editor), Alexandra Murashko (translation), Volha Tiashkevich (voice), Pavel Kirpikov (sound design).

Music: DivKid – Arp Ascent, Aaron Kenny – English Country Garden, Kevin MacLeod – Impending Boom, Andrew Huang – Wistful Harp, Kevin MacLeod – Americana Aspring, Sir Cubworth – Brass Chorale and Motet, Sir Cubworth – Adventure Theme, Sir Cubworth – Murder Mystery, Dan Bodan – Bike Sharing to Paradise, Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, Wayne Jones – Brain Trust, Quincas Moreira – The Bucket List, Leon Lishner and Friends – S'dremlen Feygl Oyf Di Tsvaygn (Birds Are Drowsing In The Branches, Jewish lullaby), E's Jammy Jams – You Had To Be, Kevin MacLeod – Hustle, Mikos Da Gawd – Backrub, VYEN – Inhale

Cover photo: palasatka



ЧУП «Проспектпресс», УНП ‎101520868



Author:   34travel


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